Pol Skardenni
Pól Skarðenni, is a fine art artist residing in the picturesque Faroe Islands.
Specializing in plein air landscapes and seascapes, he aim to capture the breathtaking natural beauty of this remote and rugged archipelago, with its unique light and atmosphere. His vibrant and expressive paintings seek to convey its beauty and mystery.
Living on the Faroe Islands, he is continuously inspired by the dynamic weather and dramatic scenery, grateful for the chance to share his artistic passion with the world.
Introduction to Pól Skarðenni:
Pól Skarðenni (born 1962) is a prolific artist based in the picturesque Faroe Islands. Known for his diverse range of styles and motifs, Skarðenni captivates audiences with his stunning landscapes and thought-provoking societal commentaries. His artwork features a blend of tranquil scenery, expressive imagery, and captivating abstract strokes, making him a constantly evolving artist dedicated to exploring the essence of the moment.
The Significance of Landscape in Skarðenni’s Art:
A central theme in Pól Skarðenni’s work is the interplay of landscapes. He often paints en plein air, immersing himself in nature to convey the beauty of shifting weather and light. This unique approach breathes life into his paintings, allowing viewers to experience the natural world through his eyes. Beyond landscapes, Skarðenni’s diverse collection showcases a wide range of painting styles, infused with sensual enthusiasm and a timeless quality that resonates with all art lovers.
Pól Skarðenni: Journey and Background:
As a self-taught artist, Pól Skarðenni’s journey began in childhood, fueled by his passion for drawing. He later pursued a degree in engineering and gained experience as a designer on notable projects across Europe. His dedication to art blossomed, particularly in his teenage years when he invested in professional artist supplies. Although he has always painted in his spare time, Pól Skarðenni made the bold decision to become a full-time artist in 2003.
Pól was aware that the French Impressionists, whom he admired greatly, painted outdoors. Without knowing it was called plein air painting, he started painting outdoors in 1987. A year later, he purchased his first French easel.
The Faroe Islands are a small archipelago located in the middle of the North Atlantic, between Island,Scotland and Norway, with only 55,000 inhabitants. Before the internet, he didn’t have much knowledge about the global art scene. With the advent of the internet, it became much easier to stay connected and stay informed. As the plein air movement grew, it became exciting to follow the talented painters, and the competitions that started to arise.
After painting plein air alone in the Faroe Islands for 20 years as a full-time artist, he felt a desire to venture out into the world, to paint alongside others, and capture different landscapes with unique atmospheres.
His first competition was the Paint Out Norfolk 2023, where he got a recognition
His next competition was the Adirondack Plein Air Festival 2024
Galleri Helco: http://www.gallerihelco.dk/Index.html
Galleri Art Expo: https://galleri-artexpo.dk/
Galler Art for Future: https://art-for-future.com/
Artist Statement
My approach to painting outdoor landscapes is to capture the grandeur of creation.
I paint spontaneously, seeking a raw and straightforward depiction while accurately conveying my experience of the subject.
Buyer feedback indicates a gradual increase in naturalism in their paintings over time, aligning with my intention. By presenting a rough sketch, I prompt viewers to mentally complete the painting through their own interpretation, fostering a deeper engagement with the artwork.