Featured Artist Submission CLOSED
Submissions are now closed for 2025. Good luck and a big thank you for everyone applying for 2025. Final roster of feature artists will be announced January 20, 2025.
Why Should I Sign Up?
Besides the chance to win the $4000 Koffenberger - Best of Show Award along with many more awards, cash and merchandise prizes, North Carolina Plein Air Art Festival will provide any artist interested in plein air painting an abundance of opportunities to further their career. Artists will paint a variety of beautiful locations in Craven, Carteret, and Pamlico counties with ample opportunity for sales and exhibition while enjoying their stay with our hosting partners. The event also provides opportunity to network and socialize with collectors and artists from all regions of the USA. Along with workshops and public demonstrations, our goal is to stage a fun, relaxing, artist centric event, from start to finish. We look forward to having some of you participate as a featured artist, but we welcome you for the week in any capacity.
If chosen as a featured artist, your attendance in one of the pre-event video chat orientations will be required. To be scheduled.
What Should I Expect during the event?
- MAY 11, 4– 6 pm, Stamping, Orientation followed by Meet and Greet. Display panels hung with library paintings. Dinner with hosts and artists 6 pm
- May 11, 6:30 pm -North Carolina Plein Air Art Festival Competition begins. Open boundaries within Craven, Pamlico, and Carteret Counties.
- May 12-18 Exhibition /Sales Gallery open to the public daily 9-7. Fresh paintings may be delivered throughout the day. Exhibition gallery closes and event ends 2 pm, May 18.
- May 12 NEW BERN PAINT-OUT followed by Meet & Greet with Donors and Collectors. Time TBA
- BEAUFORT PAINT-OUT Required attendance on assigned date. Pop-up gallery and sale.
- May 17, 3 pm Deadline for delivery of competition paintings (framed and wired).
- May 17, 6-8 pm -Collector’s Vernissage and Awards Celebration – Required attendance.
- May 18 Quick Paint- Public & Featured Artists paint for Ribbons and cash awards. Required attendance.
- May 18, 2 pm Close of Gallery Exhibition, artist checkout is Required.
Other Important Dates:
- 11:59 pm, January 10, 2025: Artist Submissions Close
- 11:59 pm, January 20, 2025: Artist Notifications.