Adult Workshops



Shanna Kunz

Shanna Kunz of Ogden, UT is a naturalist painter of the landscape that surrounds her, interpreting the quiet and familiar places of the American West. She has been featured in numerous major art publications, including a feature article in Art Of The West, Western Art & Architecture, Plein Air Magazine, Outdoor Painter, Southwest Art Magazine, Western Art Collector and Fine Art Connoisseur.

May 15-16,  ​2 Day Workshop


Phil Starke

Phil Starke has been painting professionally since his graduation from the American Academy of Art in Chicago, IL.  He has prestigious gallery representation and has been teaching classes and workshops around the country for over 20 years.  He participates in numerous exhibitions and gallery shows annually.  He is a member of the "Plein Air Painters of America" and "The California Art Club".  He has also published 2 books:  “Small Works – Landscapes”, and "The Plein Air Tip Guide".

May 12-14,  3 Day Workshop

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